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The Wii U: Attitudes and Hype

At this years E3 conference this past week, Nintendo finally announced its next console: The Wii U. While the name is more than just a little bit hard to swallow, the features are a welcome addition to the gaming industry. I, for one, am saving my hard earned dollars to purchase the system on day one. I will give my reasons why later. First, however, I want to deal with the attitude that many commentors and armchair critics have had around the web. Most of them are just insane.

I am no video game journalist, but within the span of about an hour, I have gathered all the information one would need to dispell negative rumors about the Wii U. In addition to that, I applied this thing called reason and this other thingy called logic and used them together to understand that most of the negativity is just fanboy hate. Here are some of the knee-jerk reactions that I’ve read over the past few days:

The New Controller 

Comments like this are abundant concerning the touch tablet-like controller for the Wii U:

“If the Wii debuted at $250 then this will be atleast $325 or more. A Dual Shock 3 controller for PS3 cost $60. I can only imagine how much the Wii U controller will cost by itself, probably no less than about $100.” (comment from Gameinformer.com)

Yes, because we all know there won’t be a controller packed with the system (sarcasm). But, seriously, Yahoo News reports, along with just about everyone else, that the system will include support for up to four Wii-motes at one time plus the Wii U controller. Imagine playing Mario Kart with FIVE friends instead of four. Nintendo never said you’d be expected to buy four of those things. Although, it would be cool if you could do four wii-motes and four Wii U Controllers to have EIGHT friends playing the same game. 🙂 Regardless, common sense would prevail in the thinking that Nintendo doesn’t expect anyone to have to shell out $400 for four of those things. Miyamoto did say it may be possible to do more than one Wii U controller on one game. He mentioned friends that would bring their controller over [that way you wouldn’t have to BUY the extra contollers- common sense strikes again].

“That thing looks way too heavy and way too uncomfortable.”  Lots of comments to that effect. Yet, Engadget, and every other journalist at E3 all agree: it is light and comfortable.

“I can’t imagine playing Smash Bros. with something that big. I hope they have some kind of ‘classic’ controller that gamers can use instead.”  I have read this a couple of times- the demand for a classic controller- and I am not even sure what to say to this except these people have never owned a Wii. The Wii has a classic controller that has been out for years and it was reported on multiple sites that the Wii U has Classic Controller support.

The Console

“Are you crazy, Nintendo? Releasing a new console in this economy?” 

This is a comment I read on IGN. Lots just like this. Yet, on the same website, you have direct quotes form Iwata saying that it will cost more than 20,000 yen. That’s translates to roughly $250. Even if it is  $350, heck, $400, that will still be less than the PS3 at its launch and around the same price as the Xbox 360 at its launch. Make room for inflation and it is even less. That’s not bad for a next gen system. Yes, Iwata did say it wasn’t going to be cheap. But, I think he’s just preparing people for a console that will cost more than any other console on the market today. Me personally, I’m prepared to spend $400 (if I have the cash, that is).

“Where are the specs?”  This is actually a legitimate complaint. But, I think they will reveal some specs in due time. Besides, the tech demos they had impressed me enough graphically that I’m not really worried.

“What, the controller is the console? No thanks!  That’s why I have a DS.”  To that, I respond with this:


The Games

“Why would I want to spend money on a system that is going to have poor third party support and first party support that is just a rehash of decades-old franchises?”

Read that comment on a Gameinformer page. First off: Rehashed franchises? Three Uncharted games on the PS3. Four- about to be five- Halo games on the 360. Annual releases for several franchises including Madden, Call of Duty, and Need for Speed. Lots of PS360 fanboys eat those games up and they’re the same game year after year. Nintendo needs not to defend itself.

By the way, here is the following launch lineup for the Wii U SO FAR:

1. Darksiders II (THQ)
2. Dirt (Codemasters)
3. Aliens: Colonial Marines (Sega)
4. Ghost Recon Online (Ubisoft)
5. Metro Last Light (THQ)
6. Tekken (Namco Bandai)
7. Ninja Gaiden 3 (Tecmo Koei)
8. Assassin’s Creed (Ubisoft)
9. While no game was announced, EA Sports is definitely on board.
10. Battlefield 3 (EA)

I’m sure there are others, but this list should do. One thing I see in common is that these games are not for the faint-at-heart. These are mature, gamer’s games. I have a feeling that now that they have locked-in the casual gamer market, they really are refocusing attention on the hardcore gamer.Only time will tell,though.

In summary, I hope this clears up confusion for the easily-confused. The saying “Google is your friend.” certainly applies to these commentors. I guess people just like making up reasons to hang on to their old system. As for the rest of us, the 2012 launch day (whenever that will be) can’t get here quick enough.

 The Name

There was another common complaint I read/heard from folks about the new console. It was the name, Wii U. No doubt it is a stupid name. But, somehow it manages to roll off my tongue better than Wii. Maybe it is because it’s two syllables instead of one. Or maybe it’s because I can finally say what console I have without people confusing it with something else. 🙂  Either way, it reminds me of one of my favorite comedies of all time: Kung-Pow.  Of which I will leave you this:

  1. classic wii controller
    July 26, 2011 at 1:32 am

    I have a feeling that now that they have locked-in the casual gamer market, they really are refocusing attention on the hardcore gamer.Only time will tell,though???

  2. ndefalco
    August 31, 2011 at 5:39 pm

    I think they will focus on the core game, too. Honestly, what else are they going to do? ANOTHER MINI-GAME collection? Doubtful. Well, they may do it, but it won’t be the only or even the main thing. But, yes, time will tell.

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