
Archive for the ‘Movie Reviews’ Category

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (movie review)

November 21, 2010 Leave a comment

The Beginning of the End…

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RED stands for retired, extremely dangerous

October 23, 2010 Leave a comment

Ingredients for a great movie

1 cup Mission Impossible
2 tablespoons Grumpy Old Men
6 quarts Ocean’s 11
Add the pre-made mix (an awesome cast)

And presto! You have one rollickin’ good time.

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The A-TEAM movie review

June 12, 2010 Leave a comment

“If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire…


That tagline. The last line in the intro for the TV show. The last line before the most-adrenaline-pumping TV theme song ever written would blast through our one-speaker television. That line turned an otherwise hum-drum Tuesday night in my house into something just a little special. Even when I was a kid, I tried to imagine what it would be like if they turned the A-team into a movie. Now, after 25 years I got to find out. Unfortunately, the original cast would not be the ones driving the van, schmoozing the lady, smoking the cigar, or flying the chopper.  But, this new cast got a chance to dig through their daddy’s old wardrobe and slip into some clothes that we are all familiar with.

So, how did they do?

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Iron Man 2 Movie Review

June 8, 2010 2 comments

When I think about the impression that Iron Man 2 left me with, it feels exactly the same way that the first Iron Man movie felt.  I was satisfied, but easily went on with life without giving a second thought to the movie. Maybe that’s why, after seeing it twice already, it has taken me this long to write a review on it. It was a fun movie, but left little to no impact on me.  One may argue that popcorn flicks like this do not have to be deep. I disagree. With the actor’s portrayal and the director’s ability to draw you in, they should have you leaving the theater chewing on the themes and talking them up in conversation with your fellow movie-going friends.

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Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince (movie review)

July 18, 2009 1 comment

Going on dates is getting expensive!  I spent $18 for tickets, $20 on a babysitter, and because my wife didn’t eat dinner before the movie $10 on a medium drink and popcorn! That is the LAST time we’ll do movies like that again.

Okay, enough with the rant. Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince (or HPATHBP) broke away from the pack of Potter films with this new entry. The mystery element fast-paced action of past movies both took a back seat to an element that was only touched upon in most of the other movies:  relationships. It was something that both the book and the movie took a chunk of time out to focus on and, for the most part, it worked. Read more…