
Posts Tagged ‘Birthday parties’

The Worst Trick Anyone Has Ever Played On Me (or how I got my first Nintendo)

April 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Have you ever seen the simple dreams of a boy smashed with utter humiliation? I have. Because it happened to me. 😉

My very first video game console was the Atari 2600. My acquisition of it was a quiet affair, even if it did come as a bit of a surprise. My dad and I were at a garage sale where we saw one for sale for $15.00. It came with four controllers and 8 games. We bought, I took it home, and my friends and I would play it occasionally. But, at that point, video games were not a given in a young boy’s life.

That all changed with the Nintendo Entertainment System. Pretty soon all of my friends owned their own Nintendo, leaving me to be the wing man in most cases- waiting patiently for a friend to buy a game I happen to like and then play it with them… if they were home and in the mood to play it.

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