
Posts Tagged ‘Christian Bale’

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (movie review)

July 8, 2009 2 comments


When I was seven years old, my mom told me that for doing something good (I can’t remember what it was: a good grade, completing some chore), she would bring home a surprise for me. Well, she did. She bought me my first Transformer, Ravage. The transformer that could transform into a jaguar and a cassette tape.  Although there are much cooler Transformers that I liked more than him, Ravage holds a special place on Nathan’s memory lane, just because it was my mom who knew me well enough to know what would make an awesome reward for a job well done.

Never in a million years would I ever imagine that I’d see a live-action Ravage on the big screen. And it was worth the 22 year wait. Unfortunately, that was one of the few things worth seeing in this new edition to the Transformers universe. Read more…

Terminator Salvation (movie review)

June 11, 2009 1 comment


This may be the only movie in all of the history of mankind that can be known both as a sequel and a prequel. I guess you can call it a sprequel.

McG, whose name fits more with McDonald’s characters than with serious directors, directed this new installment of the Terminator franchise. And even though it has some serious flaws, I have to give them credit on a few things: Read more…

Summer Movie Preview 2009

April 27, 2009 Leave a comment

This Friday X-men Origins: Wolverine opens and will start the summer of big blockbuster action movies. If last summer could be considered the summer of the superhero, this summer can certainly be considered the summer of 1980’s nostalgia. And this 80’s kid couldn’t be happier. Read more…