
Posts Tagged ‘IGN’

Skyward Sword Will Rule Them All…

November 15, 2011 3 comments

And wash the Twilight Princess taste out of my mouth.

As I wait in anticipation of the Wii’s next and last great game, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, I have had plenty of time to reflect on why I am psyched about this game when I haven’t been psyched about a new Zelda game in about 15 years. This matters, to put things in perspective, because I was (and very recently AM) a huge Legend of Zelda fan. The first Legend of Zelda is easily my favorite game on the NES. The same goes for A Link to the Past on the SNES.

With those games, my friends and I would stay up all night passing the controller around, drawing our own maps, and debating on what each clue meant to find the next item. Even while I was in college, although my gaming tastes had changed, I still had some love for old school Nintendo characters and looked forward to the memories a 3D Zelda would make with my friends and me.

I could, as the title of this blog post suggests, blame my absence from Zelda fandom all on Twilight Princess, but honestly it all started with a humble little game called Ocarina of Time. I couldn’t wait to play OoT when it first came out. Unfortunately, I blew all my extra money on a PC where I played most of my games, but a friend bought the game at launch. As soon as I could, I went over to his house and feasted my eyes on what was supposed to be (and many say that it IS) the greatest Zelda game ever made. Read more…