
Posts Tagged ‘J.J. Abrams’

Star Trek (spoiler-free movie review)

May 9, 2009 2 comments

I feel like this is the month of big movie franchise prequel stories. First there was X-men Origins: Wolverine, now Star Trek, and by the end of the month Terminator Salvation (which, if you think about it, is a prequel of sorts, since it’s designed to explain how everything led up to the events of the first two movies).

Star Trek, however, unlike Wolverine does not fail to deliver on sharp storytelling and visually stunning action sequences. Read more…

Summer Movie Preview 2009

April 27, 2009 Leave a comment

This Friday X-men Origins: Wolverine opens and will start the summer of big blockbuster action movies. If last summer could be considered the summer of the superhero, this summer can certainly be considered the summer of 1980’s nostalgia. And this 80’s kid couldn’t be happier. Read more…