
Posts Tagged ‘resident evil’

Countdown to Nintendo’s Next Console (Project Cafe)

April 29, 2011 Leave a comment

What to do now that the Wii’s days are numbered.

Ever since Game Informer first broke the news that Nintendo is planning to announce a new console at E3 this June and Nintendo has since confirmed it, I have been debating with myself how much more I want to do with my Wii. Obtaining the new console (which for now is codenamed Project Cafe) when it is released sometime next year is a foregone conclusion. If at all possible, it will even be a day one purchase for me. Although some of it has yet to be confirmed, the new console will most likely include:

  • HD Graphics that will surpass the PS3.
  • Better On-line
  • Both Motion and Standard Controls
  • Third Party Developers lining up early (like Rockstar)
  • A controller with a touch screen and the ability to stream content from the console.
  • Backwards compatibility with both Wii and Gamecube.

As awesome as all that sounds, it made me wonder if there was anything left for me to play on the Wii? Should I just save my money and wait for the next console? Or does the Wii have any life left in it? Read more…

Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition (game review)

April 24, 2011 Leave a comment

Ahhh, zombies.  Can’t live with them…. no, really you can’t live with them. Haven’t you ever read a zombie survival guide? They will eat your brains if they get a chance! Apparently, Leon S. Kennedy never read one because he keeps purposefully thrusting himself into zombie-infested situations.

After a long hiatus, Capcom finally released RE4 in 2005, five years after the previous installment, fans finally got their wish: a full-fledged, action-packed, budget-busting zombie party. Last year, I got a hold of the Wii version and played it all the way through. Recently, I played it through again for the second time, including the two side quests. And let me tell you, there is a reason why this game made it to my all-time top ten. Read more…

My Top 25 Favorite Video Games of All-Time (#10-1)

November 15, 2010 Leave a comment

 Continuing my all-time favorites list moving on to the top 10. To see the other 15 click here.

#10 Resident Evil 4 (Wii)  Before this game, I had zero interest in the Resident Evil franchise. I hated the long droughts of action and confusing puzzles in the past three games. But, this game has barrel-loads of action as well as beautiful graphics, tight controls (this makes the Wii version the definitive version of RE4), and zombie-blasting fun. Most memorable moment: So, I’m in the lab level and I run across one of those zombies that you can only kill by using the infrared scope, right? Yeah, I didn’t know that, so I get literally swallowed whole by this thing. And I said out loud, “Okay, THAT was creepy.” Read more…