
Posts Tagged ‘ubisoft’

The Wii U: Attitudes and Hype

June 11, 2011 2 comments

At this years E3 conference this past week, Nintendo finally announced its next console: The Wii U. While the name is more than just a little bit hard to swallow, the features are a welcome addition to the gaming industry. I, for one, am saving my hard earned dollars to purchase the system on day one. I will give my reasons why later. First, however, I want to deal with the attitude that many commentors and armchair critics have had around the web. Most of them are just insane.

I am no video game journalist, but within the span of about an hour, I have gathered all the information one would need to dispell negative rumors about the Wii U. In addition to that, I applied this thing called reason and this other thingy called logic and used them together to understand that most of the negativity is just fanboy hate. Here are some of the knee-jerk reactions that I’ve read over the past few days: Read more…